Paul Sutton


Solute calculator

There is website tool for calculating the amount of solute needed for a given volume and concentration. This can be found here

I just put this together in python3


#Chemical solute calculator
print("Chemical solute calculator")
print(" ")
print("This program will ask you for some basic data and will then calculate how much solute is needed for a given volume and concentration")
print(" ")
print("1 mol solution is formula weight in 1 liter of water")
print(" ")
print("Mass is the molecular mass of the chemical solution you're making e.,g Copper Sulfate is 249g")
print(" ")
print("Volume the total solution volume in litres,  100ml is written as 0.100")
print(" ")
print("Concentration required in Mols")
print(" ")
mass = input ("Mass in g: ") 
#print("Solute requred")
volume = input("Volume in l: ")
print((volume) + " l")
conc = input ("Required Concentration in M: ") 

solute = float(mass) * float(volume) * float(conc)
print("Solute required: ")
print(str(solute) + " g")
print(" ")
print("Note:  This program is a guide, and you should double check calculations")
#Chemical solute calculator
print("Chemical solute calculator")
print(" ")
print("This program will ask you for some basic data and then calculate how much solute is needed for a given volume and concentration")
print(" ")
mass = input ("Mass in g: ") 
print("Solute requred")
volume = input("Volume in l: ")
print((volume) + " l")
conc = input ("Required Concentration in M: ") 

solute = float(mass) * float(volume) * float(conc)

Note: This is just meant to work and perform a single function. I have not added error checking, so values are numerical.



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