Paul Sutton


Home Chemistry 15

The red cabbage indicator that I am using works fine. However it looks rather red, further investigation and starting discussion on Science Forums about this, suggested a cause and solution.

In essence the indicator is acidic, hence the read colour rather than the purple neutral colour.

I have now made up a new batch, which looks a lot better

new batch of indicator

The image above illustrates the old indicator on the right hand side, the new is in the beaker on the left. You can see quite a big difference in colour.

I have extracted the pH colour scale from the original infographic below

pH Scale


There is a 3 min Video here that I made while making the new batch of indicator up.

  • Add hot water to beaker
  • Add red cabbage to water
  • Mix (until water is the required purple colour)
  • All to cool
  • Add to regent bottle

Created more indicator as required.



#Chemistry,#HomeChemistry,#HomeChemistry15,#Science, #RedCabbageIndicator,#pH,#Scale,#Acid,#Alkali,#Neutral,#Color,#Scale

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