Why do I want to stay in this field

I had a long conversation with D today. He asked me what attracts me to stay in this field. I said that systems built by molecules are elegant and beautiful. Then he said what if people asked or challenged whether these research could be useful. I replied not every research should be directly applied. Some research does not have immediate application, but other people may be inspired and find that later. D agreed and talked about other examples.

One year ago when I was interviewed with Da, I remember he also asked me this question. I didn't give him a good answer because I myself was not quite sure. Da set himself as an example and said that he stays in this field because he could do both theory and experiment.

Later I had an argument with F about his doubts in this field. While defending myself, my thoughts became clear.


It's great to work with people who share the same research philosophy.


If you would like to leave a comment, feel free to contact me at Mastodon @bios@moresci.sale