Paul Sutton


Climate Change

Report in nature, that Top climate scientists are sceptical that nations will rein in global warming. I think these warnings are really plausible, as we have seen much higher than average temperatures this winter, well above this 1.5 degree rise we are meant to be avoiding.

The fact so many scientists don't think we are going to even meet these targets is also worrying.

This was posted to the Fediverse I commented to make the point about higher than normal temperatures.

We are really in trouble and need to wake up.



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Pollution incident- Palestine, Ohio.

This is not even hitting the news in the UK. It is a serious incident and has serious public health implications. Looking at the safety sheet for Vinyl Chloride it is pretty nasty stuff, this being the monomer of Poly Vinyl Chloride of course


Updated post 16/2/2023



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