Paul Sutton


LibreOffice 7.6

I saw this on the LO fediverse account on 17th May, LibreOffice 7.6 is coming and is available now for Alpha testing

LO 7,.6 Beta

See here for announcement or here for download


Other links

This video I made to illustrate how to install LO 7.4 on Debian may be useful so giving it a mention anyway.



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Testing Big blue button July 2022

I am involved in helping to test big blue button. I just noticed something odd, if I use the custom layout from the “Layout Settings Modal” option, then I can also see propagate layout.

With the other options the propagate option doesn't appear.

Not too sure if this is a bug or it is meant to happen. I have made this Vokoscreen video to try and illustrate. It also makes it easier to share what the issue seems to be.

This is happening on a recent beta build, installed on the Faircam server.


#BigBlueButton,#Beta,#Alpha,#Testing,#BugTracking,#Video,#Conference, #Education

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