SignIn tips
If you're looking at using and or FreeCodeCamp ( FCC ), the you have the option to use your github credentials to signin.
With FCC your user account appears to be bound to your e-mail address. Therefore, if you use github to sign in,it will bind your account to the e-mail address you used to sign up to github, so change one you need to change both to maintain your progress being saved properly.
If you use your e-mail to sign in to FCC then you get sent a one time pin number each time, which can provide problematic if you then have issues accessing your e-mail. So it may be easier to just use github to sign in, having github accounts also has other advantages.
Using Github to sign in to also gives you the feature to save your projects to / from your github repository, which should make collaboration easier.
Another feature of Github is gist, so again this is ideal for sharing code blocks and getting help for example.
#freecodecamp, #replit, #signin, #github, #gist, #development, learning
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