Pi pico Larson Scanner part 3

Following Saturdays STEM Group meet up, Where Vance has rewirtten my scanner program so that it is more efficient. I have included the new code below. I have now made an improvement by adding a 10 segment LED display and getting this working my modifying the code that Vance helped me with.

The new code, using an array to store pin numbers is below

#flash on board pico led
# updated 1/7/2023 - working code
import machine 
import utime

# Vance
led_pins = [11,12,13,14,15]

#delay = input("Time Delay: ")

#bind leds gpip to variables

leds = []
for pin in led_pins:
    # Set to output
    leds.append(machine.Pin(pin, machine.Pin.OUT))
    # Turn the LED off
    leds[-1].value(0) #off

delay = 0.1 #set delay

while True:
    # Led sequence upwards
    for led in leds: 
    # Led sequence downwards
    for led in leds[-1:0:-1]:

While my new code modification is here.

# use 10 led segment display
led_pins = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,]

Which is just 1 line of actual code and a comment. The result of this is presented in the video below. I had to resolder the board with the LED display on as it had some joints missing.


The video can be found here



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