STEM Group 8/7/2022 Write up

A good session today, firstly we had Vance, who demonstrated some of his Microcontroller projects.


This project uses neopixel strips which are addressable and programmable. in this project the lights can flash change colour and record light level changes. A video can be found here

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Microcontroller clock, the colours represent the hours, mins, and seconds. This was taken at about 10:30. A video can be found here

We also did some more Scratch, with people making good progress. Hopefully get back to Python at the next code club on the 22nd July. We also had a go at some Rocks and diamonds, which went really well. I have made some videos on making your own levels.

The LED project I am working on has also been rewritten with help from The code is now more efficient. I will make a new post about this.

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