Lego WeDO Session Planning and Preparation

As I am running a Lego WeDo session on 29th. I spent some time (about an hour) preparing for the session at Paignton Library.

Firstly I built a basic windmill model and attached the Lego Hub and motor to this, I have also attached the distance / IR sensor.

I also built a very basic car to which a motor and hub can be attached later.

wedo prep

The plan tomorrow, will be to demonstrate the model, introduce the WeDo software and hardware, including sensors. The attendees, can then build their own, models and experiment with these.

We have several Lego kits, so we can probably in small groups.

The idea is to investigate what we can do, and maybe come up with ideas on how the library can make use of these resources.

#lego, #wedo, #stem, #session, #prep

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