Code Club 6/5/2023 Write up

We had a lower turnout today, probably due to the coronation. Nevertheless we were actually very productive.

A new member started off with the Free code camp course on scientific computing, which is mostly video with Q&A. This really good, but not very interactive so we moved on to the Code Club Python activities

Using trinket to create a program to simulate rolling a dice

This worked much better, so we they are going to carry on at home, them come back next week to the STEM group.

Useful Links

Beginner Level

Next event

13th March – STEM Group 11 – 15:00 20th March – Code Club 10 – 12:00

New people welcome, as a group we can all learn together and support each other.

It would recommend getting accounts with the following, and bringing the details with you. A parent / guardian may need their phone to help facilitate logins.



MastodonPeertubeQoto sign up

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