Code Club 4/6/2022 Write up

A quiet but productive session today about four young people, plus one parent. We did more work on Free code camp – responsive web design, had a few problems with the browser not displaying the page properly.

Also had more scratch, and new attendee started off fixing a game, partly as it was difficult to jump, so looking at the source code we changed how the sprite was displayed in order to jump in the game. So something good to build on next tine, along with some work on Hour of Code. Nice thing about doing our own thing is we can start at a slower pace and work up.

I am planning on running through some of the BASH command line videos, then look at shell scripting at some point. In fact, I am in the process of installing xebian on 4 netbooks, so we can do this and have a proper GNU/Linux box to work on. The browser based virtual console is great, but doesn't do everything needed.



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