
最近在写一个fellowship application。Research proposal想写一个之前和老板有讨论过的idea,但是只是简单讨论过,没有深想。



因为credit太不清晰了,我现在不想参合到和老板其他学生合作的项目里面。 换一个approach,我或许可以更proactive但是把自己的contribution都记录下来,或者是勇于表现自己展现自己让其他人无法忽视我。但是这种proactive有时候也觉得心累。心累在哪里?下次再分析吧。

重点也是想写下这个idea。 While engineering dynamic molecular systems, it is important to tune reaction kinetics. However, sometimes the available kinetic parameters are outside of realistic range. It is possible to change one feedforward chemical reaction to catalytic reaction to speed up the reaction rate where simple tuning of rate constant or concentration does not work.

神智清醒了之后再看,上面写的好像一点也不make sense...


If you would like to leave a comment, feel free to contact me at Mastodon @bios@moresci.sale