
Ways to enhance your ESA Dog's Life - 2022 Guide



After an emotional breakdown, you need a companion who is 24/7 by your side. A companion who needs your presence in their life. A regular pet may come to your mind but can it accompany you legally in your apartment, airplanes, and stores? No, but an ESA letter can, thus they make the perfect partners if you have been through trauma.


How ESAs help

ESAs, especially dogs, provide you with the emotional support that you need. Their constant presence prevents you from being lonely and depressed. Moreover, by grooming and taking good care of them, you get an additional purpose in life. Within no time, they become a huge part of your life and this might make you wonder how long do they actually live. Well! That depends on how well you take care of your fluffball.


How to enhance your ESA dog’s life

After you've bonded with your ESA, it will take less than a week for you to develop strong feelings for your buddy. You will begin to work on how you can do everything in your capacity to help them grow healthily. If you are wondering “esa letter online”; the answer is unfortunately not a certain value. To make your dog live more than 12 years (average lifespan), you must take care of its health. Guidelines have been given which consist of ways to enhance your ESA dog's life:


Physical activity:

Contrary to popular belief, all dogs need physical activity to remain physically and mentally healthy. This exercise can be in the form of regular walks or games. It is recommended that you take your dog outside for at least a 30-minute walk daily. Brisk walking will be extremely beneficial for you and your dog. Inside your home, you can play games such as fetch or tug of war.


Mental activity

Just like how your dog is helping you mentally, you must improve your dog's mental health too. You can do this by triggering their minds in several ways. When on a walk with your buddy, let them explore the world, and sniff whatever they like emotional support dog letter. Playing frisbee and fetch will also be beneficial for their mental health. Try to learn how to teach your dog tricks online.



A very common unhealthy mistake that countless dog owners make is providing them with constant food. They keep their dog’s food tray constantly filled, giving the dog an option to eat whenever they desire. It is not wise to overfeed your dog; therefore, adopt a strict food routine. No matter how much your dog begs for food with cute puppy dog eyes, be patient. Do a google search before feeding him non-dog food such as berries or bananas.


CBD oils

With the consultation of your vet, try adding cannabinoid oils to your dog’s diet. CBD oil for dogs is used mostly to prevent heart disease and skin allergies. In case your dog is mentally or physically ill, try CBD oil treatment because it is also known to decrease pain and mental stress. If on the rare chance, there are severe side-effects, you should immediately stop.


With a healthy little doggy keeping you busy, your mental and physical health will start to rapidly improve. It is recommended that you follow the given guideline to maintain your dog’s health. If you still don’t own an ESA and have to deal with mental health issues alone, contact a mental health professional. They can diagnose you and immediately send you an ESA letter for housing within a week. Using this legal documentation, your dog will be legally allowed to accompany you in most places. 



What better way is there to improve your mental health than getting an adorable dog to love. An emotional support animal letter will adore you more if you take proper care of it. It is recommended that you keep your dog healthy by following the mentioned tips. This will make them live a longer and happier life. 


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