Personal Blog

If you've checked out your blog's settings page before, you've probably seen the Custom CSS section. This allows you to customize the design of your own blog to your heart's content. While this lets you change anything easily, it can be a little daunting for some people.

The good folks at just made a complete dark theme for use on your blog if you find that the default light theme is a bit too bright for your preferences.

Click Here to View CSS

   Written in 2020 by

   To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all 
   copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the 
   public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any 

   You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication 
   along with this software. If not, see

body {
		 color: #eee;
		 background: #111;
body .post-title a:link, a:visited {
		 color: #ccc;
#collection .post-title a {
               color: #ccc;
#collection {
		 color: #eee;
#collection pre {
		 background: #060606;

body h1 a, body header h2 a {
		 color: #cfcfcf;
body h1 a:hover, body header h2 a:hover {
		 color: #fff;
body h1 a:visited, body header h2 a:visited {
		 color: #ccc;
body #manage ul a, body .dropdown-nav ul a, body #manage ul ul a, body #manage ul a {
		 color: #ccc;
body .dropdown-nav ul ul, body .dropdown-nav ul li:hover, body #manage ul ul, body #manage ul ul li:hover, body #manage ul li:hover {
		 background: #222;

body #official-writing h2, body #official-writing h3, body #official-writing h4, body #wrapper h2, body #wrapper h3, body #wrapper h4 {
		 color: #ddd;
body a {
		 color: #a2a2ff;
body a:visited {
		 color: #c98afd;
body #official-writing h2, body #official-writing h3, body #official-writing h4, body #wrapper h2, body #wrapper h3, body #wrapper h4 {
		 color: #aaa;
body #official-writing ul.collections li.collection a.title:link, body #official-writing ul.collections li.collection a.title:visited, body #wrapper ul.collections li.collection a.title:link, body #wrapper ul.collections li.collection a.title:visited {
		 color: #cfcfcf;
body #official-writing ul.collections li a.create, body #wrapper ul.collections li a.create {
		 color: #aaa;
body#me #official-writing h2 a:link, body#me #official-writing h2 a:visited {
		 color: #a2a2ff;

input {
		 background: #202020;
		 color: #bbb;
#manage ul ul li img {
		 filter: invert(1);
#post code, #collection code, #subpage code {
                background: #202020;
		 color: #bbb;
body#collection pre, body#post pre, body#subpage pre {
               background: #060606;

For other great themes, check out

Did you know you can pin any blog post to your blog's navigation bar? This could include pages such as an About or Contact page, or anything else you may desire. To pin a blog post, follow these steps:

  1. Publish a post to your blog
  2. Go to your blog home page by clicking your blog name in the top-left corner
  3. Hover over the post
  4. Click Pin

That's it! You'll see a link to that post from every page on your blog.

Testing out my very first post on my new website. I hope for this to be a place where anybody can come to create their own blog or private journal without having to worry about all the crap that typically comes with free hosting sites. If you're interested in trying this out, sign up for free and get started today!

Note: This website supports creating blog posts using Markdown, for a simple getting started guide on how to improve the design of your posts, visit WriteFreely's Writing Guide