The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope review

In post on 6th October I posted a link to the October lecture [1] from the Space Telescope Science Institute (2).

Here is a short review of the lecture:-

The first part of this was an overview of who Nancy Grace Roman was, he connection to NASA and the new space telescope. One of the early pioneers,got started with NASA and had real vision on how space could be studied.

The 2nd part of the lecture covered the new telescope, features, and how it is hoped it will be used, but there is far more potential for science here, it will produce massive amounts of data to keep people busy and new models on how to handle, and process this data will need to be utilised.

Exciting times ahead, from studying stars, supernovae, galaxies, looking for exo planets, stars with exoplanets as they pass in front of other stars, looking for dark matter and energy and much more.

There is a related lecture to this, which was from the 15th October

Next lecture is November 10th – Astronify

Previous lecture (Sailing across the local universe-with-ullyses) is here

This has an excellent explanation of the electromagnetic spectrum and how absorption works.


  1. Lecture Link
  2. Space Telescope Science Institute

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