South Devon Tech Jam – January 2020 Write Up

South Devon Tech Jam – January 2020 Write Up

Today we had a busy jam, with a good few activities going on. I arrived about 9:30 am to start setting up.

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Main work area, with Pi's, Minecraft server etc

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Lots of stickers and other free stuff.

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We now have a RetroPie set up, with games. Here I have a Pacman game ready to go.

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Paul B spent most of the jam helping Lucy with refurbishing a BBC Micro computer. This seemed to go really well.

We also had a visit from Adam Shoreland from the Wikimedia foundation. Adam spent time explaining what he is doing Adam also explained to two of our younger attendees about Wikidata and how to edit this via the Wikidata website. Adam also explained how to use Wikidata:SPARQL query service

Related to this

We also had a visit from Gordon Henderson come along and demonstrate a mechanical calculator, as well as a few other people who were working on their own projects etc.

We also noted down some of the network port numbers so that I can ask if more ports can be either enabled or confirmed if they are connected. This will make it easier to connect to the wider internet if required.

In all a good event and looking forward to next month. The next jam will be on Saturday 8th February 2020

#South, #Devon, #TechJam, #January, #2020, #writeup

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