LibreOffice Documentation 06/02/2023
Documentation update(s)
LibreOffice 7.5 guides (Published)
- Writer 7.5
- Calc 7.5
LibreOffice 7.4 guides (Published)
- Draw 7.4
- Getting Started 7.4
- Calc 7.4
- Impress 7.4
- Designing with LibreOffice
LibreOffice 7.3 guides (Published)
- Designing with LibreOffice
- Getting Started 7.3
- Writer 7.3
- Impress 7.3
- Draw 7.3
- Custom shape tutorial 7
- Base 7.3
1 LibreOffice 2 LibreOffice Bookshelf 2a LibreOffice Documentation * LibreOffice shortcut keys 3 Free Software Foundation 4 Free Software Foundation Europe 5 LibreOffice Conference 6 7.2 blog documentation announcement 7. Udemy LibreOffice Training
#YearOfTheFediverse,#LibreOffice,#Office,#Writer,#Calc, #Draw,#GettingStarted,#Documentation,Libreoffice
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