hypothesis vs Theory 2

So further to the previous post on this topic

I got some feedback as part of the discussion, so can expand with the help of Christie Dudley [@longobord@infosec.exchange]

The problem that definition has is it incorporates the *popular* definition of theory, not the scientific definition. For example, "Natural selection" is a theory whereas "Creationism" is a hypothesis. 

The fundamental difference between the two definitions, in the scientific method, is the testing, where the scientist attempts to come up with scenarios to prove the hypothesis wrong and if it survives that inquiry it can become a theory. 

Some scientists then go on to try to prove other theories wrong. It's an iterative process and because a theory can never be *proved* right, it remains a theory, not a fact.

I can't really put it any better than the above. So will leave this explanation as it is. Big thank you to Christie for this. This is why I like Fedi.


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