Everyone's Invited

I am promoting this cause because it is IMPORTANT TO DO SO.

What concerns me, is the fact that victims appear have BEEN IGNORED by people who claim they are PROFESSIONAL.

We are a movement committed to eradicating rape culture.
Trigger warning for the survivor testimonies: sexual violence and abuse

Read the testimonies and make your own mind up as to how schools have handled these claims.

Schools have a Statutory duty of care to promote and safeguard the welfare of children and young people

This statement is on every school website. This statement form part of pretty much every job avert. So why the hell are victims being ignored, fobbed off and treated as if it is their fault?

Some of the testimonies have struck a chord with me. At least in terms of being ignored, fobbed off and lack of EFFECTIVE action taken against those who abuse others. So to me this sort of thing HAPPENS. Not just me it has happened to others.

How is this being allowed to happen.??

Sufficient to say, the abuse that is being disclosed and the apparent reactions of school staff is nothing short of repugnant, and what has happned to the victims is equally repugnant. Maybe that should be construed as TEACHERS CONDONING RAPE CULTURE.

If you are a victim please please speak up at school, Teachers / staff have a


Failure to investigate properly or making excuses constitutes gross misconduct, those teachers should be SACKED.

Front line staff need to take a disclosure and pass it on to the designated safeguarding lead. There is a standard procedure to follow, if front line staff are doing this THEY SHOULD BE PRAISED. If the people such as the DSL have failed they should be SACKED and BANNED from schools. To be on the safe side perhaps BANNED from working with vulnerable adults too.

The following links may help you make complaints, if a school has failed they should be REPORTED TO OFSTED and teachers to the GENERAL TEACHING COUNCIL.

Time to end this culture of abuse in school has long passed, time for action is NOW and long overdue.

I hope that the statement from Gavin Williams is not simply a sound byte and schools will be subjected to serious sanctions / pubishments over this.


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