CyberSecurity part 28

Series ending

After 27 parts, this series is now coming to an end.

The BASH series is going to be given a new home. In order to facilitate this, it is being re-written and will form part of a larger project.

As this is now taking up my time, it makes sense to end the and focus on the new format that it will be presented in. I am also getting some help from a few very capable young hackers with this.

Nevertheless, the new format will look better and be more useful than a video and a list of commands that are just a summary of the video.

In other news, the Tuxiversity forum and website (below) are also going to be overhauled.

If you wish to ask questions about the current series, I am available via Internet Relay Chat (zleap), as are other members of the team behind this project.

To chat on IRC, please click the link below, enter a new nickname and press start. You should be then taken to the chatroom.




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