Accountability Framework

UK ICO Accountability Framework

ICO (Information commissioner office, 英國資訊專員辦公室, 有點像台灣的 NCC ,但其部份職責還包括資料保護) 此份指南旨在協助組織建立問責的資料隱私保護操作程序,以下述十大面向一一介紹如何建立起組織對於資料管理的問責制度與法遵能力

  1. Leadership and oversight
  2. Policies and procedures
  3. Training and awareness
  4. Individuals’ rights
  5. Transparency
  6. Records of processing and lawful basis
  7. Contracts and data sharing
  8. Risks and data protection impact assessments (DPIAs)
  9. Records management and security
  10. Breach response and monitoring

