Who is Warubozu Usagi?

Birth Name

Gilbert Kobayashi

Warubozu Usagi





Birthdate and location

July 1, 2061, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Earth


Wu-chan, like everyone else on the The Black Flea is a Hafu. His human name was Gilbert Kobayashi.

Most of his background remains murky as he does not like to talk much about his distant past. What is known about him is that his family was somewhat wealthy, but by the end of the war, they were nearly broke. Born in Hawaii at the start of the Great War, he automatically became a dual-citizen of the newly formed nation of New Hawaii and the reconstituted nation of New America in 2064.

He's got mad skills on a lot of things but lacks mastery of any of them. He might have ADHD but he's never bothered to get it checked, happy to live in his short-attention span world.

To procure and refurbish the Black Flea (which was previously a science vessel) he'd taken to smuggling part-time to pay back his non-sanctioned black market loan.

His persona can be described as a trouble-making rabbit whose antics constantly get him into hot water with his best friend, Syvil. Wu-chan sees Syvil as his teddy bear, but Syvil prefers to just be best friends. He and Syvil cuddle a lot, especially when gripped by fear of darkness — an odd thing considering their choice to live the ship life in space. Wu-chan's best friend is Red Panda. A big part of their friendship is mutual respect for each other and a shared love for food from around the galaxy.

Warubozu Usagi's passport

— The Warubozu Usagi