Who is Syvil?

Birth Name

Charley Villanueva





Birthdate and location

September 11, 2067, Portlandia, New America, Earth


Even before she became a Hafu, she was Warubozu Usagi's best friend, Charley Villanueva. She didn't particularly mind her name, but Gilbert (Wu-chan) insisted that everyone change their names so that none of them could be traced back.

As part of Wu-chan's grand idea, each of his three invited friends also had to ditch their human shells. She chose a teddy bear.

Syvil finished college near the bottom of her class as a fusion engineer, largely because she never fit in with her classmates and teachers. Unlike most of them, she was driven hard-core by civil rights issues. When it came time to choose her name, she thought it cute to create a homonym to civil.

She's also a smart ass who always has a witty comeback or insult ready to hurl without delay. Often, she overlooks the tiny details, but that's okay because she's a damn good navigator and pilot.

Her rejection of class separation through the Cogtest ultimately led her to reject the social system and its inherent biases.

Syvil passport

— The Warubozu Usagi