Who is Red Panda?
Birth Name
Jake McWinter
Full Legal Name
Red Panda
- Red
- RP
- Racco
- Red-kun
Birthdate and location
September 11, 2066, Victoria, New America, Earth
Red Panda is actually a racoon dog. This was not intentionally ironic, but rather, an accident.
From a very young age, Jake had mistakenly conflated red pandas and racoon dogs. When it came time to pick a shell for his future life, Jake, who'd already been going by the nickname “Red” since elementary school, pointed at the raccoon dog model.
Jake was born to a family of rural-ish farmers in North Saanich on Victoria Island. He's very good with hands and fixing things, but makes a lot of poor decisions, especially when he's with his best friend, Warubozu Usagi.
He first met Wu-chan when both were in their teens. Wu-chan's family was on vacation on Victoria Island when they got lost shortly after getting off the ferry in Swartz Bay. They stumbled onto a small farm nearby where they met the McWinters. Through the years, the two teens kept in touch and eventually, Red would move out to New Hawaii to spend more time hanging out with Wu-chan while working on a coffee farm in Waialua. Red would become Wu-chan's first partner in crime, literally.
Red is whimsical but often stuck in his own world. He comes off as aloof but he’s just hyper-focused on two subjects: Food and how to make mechanical things work better.
When asked why his name is Red Panda, he reflexively responds, “Well then, why not? I am a Red Panda, after all.” Most people think he's joking. He's serious.
The only thing that upsets Red is when his friends are hurt. Once, Red tore through a half-dozen smugglers because he thought they'd shot Wu-chan in the arm. He was mistaken. He, and Wu-chan, ended up working for those smugglers to make amends. This relationship eventually led to Wu-chan obtaining the Black Flea with their help.
Red and Shoko are in a relationship of sorts. They're in an informal partnership, working and playing side-by-side. It's not clear if they're intimate, but they are very close.
— The Warubozu Usagi