Wednesday, December 7, 2095

11:58 pm

Off the surface of Decca on their way to the Praxia gateway

After another half day on Decca, the crew has loaded all the cargo Doogé had given them, and have left for the Praxia gateway on standard impulse.

WU: (online at the Praxia Gateway Authority's website) Kuso! There's no slot to reserve until late tomorrow night.

SM: Oh good, we have time!

RP: Yes! I get to sleep!

(Red immediately proceeds to crash in his chair)

S: Did anyone else feel like Doogé might have left out a few details?

WU: What? No way. Why would Doogé leave anything out? He needs us to get him his data.

S: Yeah, but I feel like I'm missing something.

Meri: Wuf!

WU: Okay, I booked a slot to the Ulishia system for tomorrow night at 11:15 pm EUT. Man, this whole galactic travel thing has my internal clock screwed up.

S: Did you book all the way through to Earth?

WU: (pulling out some food from the cargo) Sure. Ooh, apple! Want one?

S: What do you mean “sure”? Yes please, toss me one.

WU: There's only one more hop we need to take and it looked wide open. I figure we get there and maybe we stop for some fun or whatever. We can decide then.

S: (rolls eyes) Whatever. The download finished. We can go over Doogé's plans right now, Warui.

SM: You know, Syvil, I think you're right about Doogé. He never got upset over Wu-chan's name calling.

Meri: Wuf!

WU: What? Doogé and I got along perfectly. We were like Laurel and Hardy.

S: Laurel and Hardy played opposites on the screen.

WU: Exactly. We're opposites but we get along so beautifully!

SM: He tried to kill us.

WU: He was testing us.

S: He tried to kill us, twice.

WU: And we passed! Anyway, let's review the plans later. Red, wake up.

RP: Ehh?

WU: Red, let's go play some Pokegun.

RP: Cap, you know those VR games make me sick.

WU: Seriously, how can VR games get you sick? We live in space half our time.

RP: Yeah, but we have gravity boots.

WU: (grabbing the pickled karitworms and Kong Kola) Ikko, Red. You coming, Meri?

Meri: Wuf?

S: No Meri, you say here with me and Shoko.

Meri: Wuuuf.

SM: We have Dagyu jerky!

Meri: Wuf!

WU: Whatever. Come on Red. See you three later!

Kong Kola

— The Warubozu Usagi