Tuesday, November 29, 2095

11:21 pm

Nearing orbit of Decca, the 10th planet of Praxia

RP: C'mon Meri, you know you can't be in the engine room...or the garden room...or the storage room...or the weapons quarters...

M: (frustrated) wuuuuf.

RP: You'll just get into more trouble if you keep hanging out here with me. Do you want me to take you back to Cap's quarters?

M: (bored) wuuuuf.

RP: How 'bout Syvil's quarters?

M: (not amused) wuuuuf.

RP: Oh I know. Wanna go to the galley and grab something to eat?

M: (excited) U fed meh?

RP: (stunned)...

M: (head turned sideways) U not undastan?

RP: ...

M: U OK?

RP: What the hell, you can talk?!?

M: Yah. Sybo gabe me programmin do tok.

RP: ...

M: So...we get fud now?

RP: So, all this time when I talked to you 'bout Shoko, you understood?

M: Yah.

RP: Okay girl, rule number one is, you cannot tell her what I told you, okay?

M: OK.


M: Wut I get for bein gud?

RP: You're bribing me?

M: Reward to reinfors.

RP: I'll let you secretly hang out with me and hide you to keep you out of trouble. Deal?

M: Deal. Now gimme hi fibe.

(Red and Meri high five each other)

RP: Wait, did you just give me a command?

M: Wof wuf?

— The Warubozu Usagi