Thursday, December 8, 2095

11:59(ish) pm

At the Praxia gateway, waiting for timeslot

After partying and playing VR games all day, Wu-chan and Red are fast asleep and miss their wake-up alarm. In walks Syvil and Shoko with Meri.

S: Seriously, these two. Meri, wake Cappy up.

Meri: Wuf!

WU: (getting kisses from Meri while dreaming in his sleep) Oh Syvil, you naughy bear!

Meri: Wuf?

SM: Wooo!

S: (blushing, walks over and whacks Wu-chan in the head) Wake up, you bum!

WU: What the? Oh man, what a night.

S: Wake up! You missed the alarm and our timeslot window has opened.

WU: (yelling in panic) Are you serious?!? Red, wake up!

(hurriedly, Wu-chan and Red down some Cherry Kong Kola (now with 4x the caffeine and 2x the amphetamines of regular Kong Kola!) on their way to the cockpit)

PGA: Black Flea, Black Flea, this is Praxia Gateway Authority, your window is open. Please acknowledge.

WU: Gateway, Gateway, this is the Black Flea, over. We're ready and on our way now.

PGA: Black Flea, it's about time, your slot was about to close in 5 minutes.

WU: Gateway, sorry about that. Late night. Syvil, take us in.

PGA: Black Flea, you're ready to go. We know you hae a choice when you travel, and we thank you for choosing the Praxia gateway. Goodbye now.

WU: Syvil, punch it!

S: I already did. We're at Ulishia.

WU: I swear, I'll never get used to wormhole traveling. It's unnatural.

S: Whatever. We need to sit down and go over the plan to...

WU: Hey y'all, how 'bout we go down to Ukio and watch the sunrise? We've got enough time and oh my gawd it's spectacular!

S: (unamused)...

WU: Red, Shoko, you in?

SM: Ooh, yes, I've always wanted to see the sunrise there.

RP: You betcha, Cap!

S: (still unamed) ...Temae!!!

(the Black Flea flies down to Ukio and lands at a spaceport on the eastern coast of Kotako in the Tatamo prefecture)

WU: Oh perfect, it's raining!

S: What?

SM: Oh. My. God. This is going to be amazing!

RP: ?

(as the skies part over the horizon, the sun starts to come up as the water drops refract the color of the sun)

S: Wait, is that...?

WU: Yes it is!

S: No way...

SM: Oh cool!

WU: Purple rain!

— The Warubozu Usagi