The Black Flea

A fixed multi-wing VTOL-enabled spaceship registered as an LSE-class unit. It's a second-hand Vayacandis with over 5M LY (Light Years) on it, originally with a stock FP-6200 fusion drive engine.

Procured by Warubozu Usagi in a deal with black market dealers, in return for 3 years of work as a mule between planets.

While legally registered as LSE-class, it has been heavily modded and legally out of spec of the LSE-class. Modifications (both legal and illegal) include:

Named the Black Flea by Warubozu Usagi because, like a black flea, his ship is fast, tiny, and comes with a good — if tiny — bite (its weapons). Syvil suggests that, like a black flea, everyone hates it, including the crew. (She loves it.)

While it looks like a stripped down Galactic Police patrol unit, it was previously used as a science exploration vessel. Warubozu Usagi's paint job is what gives the ship a police patrol unit vibe.

Images of The Black Flea

— The Warubozu Usagi