Sunday, January 29, 2096

7:15 pm

Stuck in Busan, South Korea

With no end in sight of the ban on travel to and from South Korea, the crew of the Black Flea contemplate their options while taking in the sights of Busan and eating way too much fried chicken.

RP: OMG, I think I've gained five pounds since last week.

— editor's note: He's kidding; shells can't expand. All it does is top off the power cells and everything after that gets processed directly into excrement. —

WU: Red, why are you stuffing yourself with fried chicken?

RP: Cap, when are we going to come back to South Korea?

WU: Every time we're at our place in Shirakawa-go.

RP:(eyes watering) Really?!?

WU: Of course we are, you lovable Tanuki!

SM: I love the traditionally-made kimchee more than anything else. Yum!

S: I like the pickled sides and the sweetened potatoes.

WU: I like the soju.

S: You would. It's one of the few things our shells allow to make it to the brain.

WU: You mean alcohol.

SM: Amphetamines.

WU: And sugar.

S: And caffeine. Wait, did we all just call out our favorite chemical? Shoko, what's up with the amphetamines?

SM: (raised eyebrow) You mean I'm the only one who cures her ADHD with microdoses of amphetamines?

S: Oh. I thought maybe you were doing Speed.

SM: Well I do that, too, but only when it's needed. I made this special concoction of caffeine, amphetamines, honey, and some THC to take the edge off the top. It's a hundred times better than an energy drink which is just a waste of money.

WU: Ooh, can I have some?

S: What are you, Walter White?

SM: What? No. Well, not anymore. I used to sell it on the side, back in college.

S: (face palm) My best friend's a drug a dealer.

SM: Was. Haven't sold them since college. Wanna try one?

S: This is getting off subject. Are we just going to wait this travel ban out? I'll take two.

SM: What choice do we have? I only have one in my pocket. I designed them to dissolve entirely in a minute so the effects are immediate but they only last about thirty.

WU: Syvil, split it with you? I want to go to the Sapporo Ice Festival coming up next weekend. Let's give it three more days and then we'll modify the Baby Black Flea to float.

RP: Do you think Meri wants one? Why are we trying to make our microship float?

WU: I'm not picking up her poop if she goes berserk on — Shoko what do you call these things?

SM: Powerball.

WU: Powerballs. I'm thinking if we can get the microship to float, it's basically a boat that we can use to quietly get out of here in the middle of the night.

S: Powerball? Is that so that you could sell it by name without getting caught? How long did you have this plan in your head, Wu-chan?

SM: Of course!

WU: That's why we came to the coast.

RP: You mean we didn't come to the coast to go to Lotteworld?

WU: (looks to Shoko and Syvil and winks) Red, of course we did!

RP: Cap, I can see you winking.

WU: Red, did you have a good time at Lotteworld?

RP: You know I did!

WU: Well then, that's all that matters!

RP: It's a Lotteworld after all, it's a Lo...

— The Warubozu Usagi