Saturday December 24, 2095
11:59 pm
On the ground just outside of Portlandia, New America
It turns out, nothing is open at night on Christmas Eve, in New America. The Black Flea crew has decided to instead partake in a relaxing evening just outside of town.
RP: Are you sure this is a good place to park and hang out?
WU: Mollala? Sure. I mean, it hasn't changed one bit in a hundred years, but the rural white folk won't touch the ship, on account that it looks like a police cruiser.
Meri: wuh.
WU: Hai, Meri. Kimochīi!
S: Not a bad alternative, Wu-chan.
SM: We need one of these on the ship.
WU: We need one at Tardigrade Station, too.
— The Warubozu Usagi