Monday December 19, 2095

11:07 pm

Stuck on Mars

The crew has completed the refitting and refubishment of their microship, the Baby Black Flea, but have suddenly realized they made a crucial error.

WU: (in disbelief) Majide?!?

S: (stink eye at Wu-chan) Whose fault is this?

SM: Don't be so hard on Wu-chan. None of us caught it and it's been staring at us all this time.

RP: Ha, ha! I can't believe no one thought about it.

WU: We have no choice. We have to convert the landing gear from shock skids to wheels, which means we need to add brakes, too. Red, can our cargo winch handle the load of the Baby Black Flea?

RP: Uh. I wouldn't risk it, if that's what you're asking.

S: We need a new winch, too? Ugh. We have to spend another day on Mars. Seriously, Wu-chan, why do you want to live on Mars? This half-assed terraformed planet is still a dry, desolate place.

WU: Syvil, Syvil, Syvil. Mars is going to be a second Earth in the next century.

SM: So, why did you pick a spot below the presumed sea level?

WU: I did?

S: (facepalm) ...

SM: Yeah. When they finish terraforming Mars, your Black Flea Station is going to be about 3 kilometers underwater.

WU: Well damn. But why did those other colonies locate below the sea level?

S: Baka. Didn't ypu notice they were primitive? They're not permanent. We're in the boonies of Mars, you baka usagi.

WU: Fine. We'll have to scout a new place for The Black Flea Station.

RP: So, three sets of wheeled landing gear, brakes, and a new winch?

S: And another day in this hellscape.

WU: (two arms raised) Another day in tomorrow's paradise, today!

S: (whacks Wu-chan on the arm) Urusai!

— The Warubozu Usagi