Friday, December 2, 2095

11:48 pm

On Decca in the Praxia system, still docked at Spaceport 13F

Having returned to the Black Flea, Wu-chan gets the cargo — of coffee beans — prepared for transport.

S: Hey uh, Shoko, I need your help on this project. Meri, want to join us?

Meri: Wuf!

WU: Hey Syvil, we could use the help loading the cargo up.

SM: I think you two boys are strong enough to handle coffee beans, don't you?

RP: Hai!

WU: (glaring at Red) ...

S: K. Ping us when you're done! Jaa ne!

WU: (still glaring at Red)...

RP: Is something wrong?

Wu-chan sighs and goes back to loading up coffee beans onto the tranport carrier.

RP: Cap, I still think we should just drop the beans off and leave. This just feels like we're getting in over our heads.

WU: Aww come on Red. We've come this far and it won't hurt to just listen to the proposal.

RP: But Cap, the more the money, the harder the job. I like being alive.

WU: I like one day, you know?

(walking backwards, Wu-chan steps into fresh poop)

WU: What the...? Ah hell no.

(Wu-chan hits the intercom)

WU: Meri! BAD GIRL! I just stepped in you poop! BAD GIRL!

(Syvil and Shoko can be heard laughing on the intercom)

Meri: (with sad voice) Wuf? Wuf wuf.

RP: (also laughing) Cap, look on the bright side, our luck has probably changed!

(15 minutes later, Wu-chan is done and hits the interom)

WU: K y'all, we all done loading the carrier. You two coming now?

S: (immediately pops up around the corner) Oh yeah. We were done 5 minutes ago and just thought we'd relax and watch you work, right Meri?

Meri: Wuf!

WU: (deflated) Really? Fine, whatever. Let's get this show on the road, people!

S: Oh, I'm bringing Meri with us so that he won't leave any presents for you.

WU: Hai.

(following the map to the address, they're a block away from their destination)

RP: You know Cap, maybe we should have brought weapons just in case?

WU: Nah. We're on our way to a business deal, not a shoot out. We don't want to scare them away or anything. We already got paid. What's the worst that could happen, they steal their beans?

SM: Or kill us and steal our credits from the bank.

S: You never learn, Warui.

WU: Come on. That'll never happen.

(reaching their destination, it's another empty warehouse)

WU: (dejected) Come on! Not again!?!

S: (with raised eyebrow at Wu-chan) Told you so.

— The Warubozu Usagi