Sunday, January 1, 2096
5.40 am
Yamagata Prefecture, Japan
Current situation: Complicated
Christmas Eve was wonderful. We relaxed at night in a hot tub near our ship, with a few inches of snow on the ground. We got to play in the snow, although maybe it wasn't the best choice on account that the snow was slightly radioactive. (One wouldn't think that decades after the Great War there'd still be elevated radiation in the outer Portlandia. Oops.) We weren't sickened by the snow — we are, after all, Hafu — but we hadn't considered our ship's protocols that locked us out to prevent radiation contamination.
We were left outside in the cold. Naturally, we moved back into the hot tub for the rest of the night. It wasn't until after sunrise that we — I — realized that, the Black Flea being an LSE-class spaceship, our ship had been equipped with an external decon shower outside next to the ramp door. In our — my — defense, we'd never been contaminated by radiation before. We — I — now know what that flashing green light was for, next to the ramp.
We'd — I'd — forgotten that most everything in New America was closed on Christmas. Syvil suggested that we fly 5 hours to Japan and hang out in Yamagata and the Ginzan Onsen. I suggested we just hang out in Portlandia so we could grab gelato the next day. We flew to Yamagata. Jageda Industries is near Busan, South Korea, so it was more convenient to be in Japan than in New America.
We haven't yet made our way to Jageda. We went sightseeing in Japan, instead. I could give you all the reasons why we did it, but the primary reason is that between Christmas and New Years, Jageda shuts down operations and blocks all employees from entering its buildings. Our fake credentials need Jageda to be open.
No one seems to believe me when I tell them that we are definitely going to do the Jageda job. Even Doogé called to ask he should look for another team. No rush, though, right? Besides, we still haven't worked through every detail of the operation and Syvil won't let us do the job until we've sucessully completed two walk-through simulations.
Oh, and since the Great War, there's been a NYE fireworks show on Lake Biwa. It isn't as good as their summer-time Great Fireworks Festival, but it's still better than anything else in Japan. Last night, we watched the fireworks show while in hover mode in our Baby Black Flea. Amazing views.
Akemashite omedetou.
Meri: Wuf!
— The Warubozu Usagi