South Devon Tech Jam Feb 2020 write up


Today we had about 6-8 attendees over the session. We were mostly engaged with FreeCodeCamp. Most of the younger attendees started or are working their way through the HTML section of the Responsive Web Design Course.

Lucy and myself are also undertaking this too, so that we can try and provide help / support as needed.

Paul Bennett was busy diagnosing and fixing a BBC Micro that Lucy brought in to be looked at. Lucy and Paul also set up a STEM hub account for the jam so we can hopefully get some STEM ambassadors in to help.

It was also good to catch up with Stuart, who I know from previous employment, he is interested in learning Python so I set him up with a Pi and one of the python books I have access too.

In all, a very productive day. Next week (15th Feb) is Code Club so the attendees who come to code club will be carrying on with free code camp at their own pace.

We are now starting to develop some focus for the event and achieve some good learning outcomes. Hopefully in March we can also set up a retro area with RetroPie and other retro hardware that we have access to.

The next Jam will be on 14th March 2020.

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