Hands-on Experience for Future Aviation Professionals: Magnetic Trading Gifts Components to Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Students

This year, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University‘s (Vilnius Tech) Aeronautical Engineering students enjoy expanded hands-on practice as part of their education: students have the opportunity to work on several different new aviation spare parts and components. All of which has been gifted to the university by the Magnetic Trading team.

Airina Kacienaite-Krake, Head of Magnetic Trading, and Tautvydas Liorancas, Director of Aeronautical Engineering practical training base at Vilnius Tech, shared their insights about the importance of such a collaboration between business and university.

Is it the first time Magnetic Trading and Vilnius Tech are collaborating?


Airina Kacienaite-Krake: I would say both yes and no. Generally speaking, Magnetic Group has been providing internship opportunities for Vilnius Tech students for quite some years already. We have a number of graduates still working with us to this day across various departments, from maintenance to interior. 

But when it comes to collaboration between the Magnetic Trading department, responsible for spare parts trading, it is the first project together - but I am sure it‘s just a start.

How did the partnership start?


Tautvydas Liorancas: I am thrilled to say it was started by Magnetic Trading‘s initiative: company‘s representatives have offered to gift some spare parts provider from their stock to our practice base. To top it up, they have organized their logistics partners, Delamonde, to take care of all logistics from their stock in Tallinn, Estonia, to our base in Vilnius, Lithuania.



AKK: On our part, the initiative was started by our colleague Ignas Mazeika. And now, it has gained momentum, involving more team members.

In your opinion, what value collaborations as such can create?


TL: I believe it is valuable for both sides - as a university, we get a chance to expand, and improve our practice base, while Magnetic Trading is initially contributing to the education of future professionals. Of course, students are the ones who benefit the most - they get an opportunity to gain new skills, practise on real-life assets and learn how to perform a broader range of hands-on tasks.


AKK: I second that - I believe for students, it gives an opportunity to learn by doing. Also, I am glad we can contribute to expanding options for future aviation professionals to gain experience using actual assets while still in education.

Do you plan to continue working together in the future?


AKK:  For sure - we are keen to share our experience and assets with those pursuing their career in aviation!

Article source:-https://www.magneticgroup.co/hands-on-experience-for-future-aviation-professionals-magnetic-trading-gifts-components-to-vilnius-gediminas-technical-university-students/