(PS5) Uncharted 1 : Drake's Fortune
Remastered Edition
So I recently played Uncharted 4 : Legacy of Thieves Collection on PC and was hugely impressed. You can read my thoughts on that, if you like. Long story short, I loved it. In fact, I loved it so much I bought a PS5 specifically to experience more of “console gaming”.
One of the very first things I bought for my PS5 was, ironically, a PS4 disk. Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection. This one disk contains all 3 of the old Uncharted games, which I was very interested to play as Uncharted 4 really BLEW my mind. I can not stress how much I enjoyed that game. As I said in my review, it actually changed my entire perspective on gaming.
One of the many cool things about consoles I have found out, as I have never owned one and been a PC gamer all my life, is the return of the brick and motor shop. I have a EB Games near my place and have been shopping in there. The helpful green haired kid behind the counter took the three brand new games I got from the shelf of Uncharted 1,2 and 3 all remastered and chose me this collected version.
The reason I was buying all three separately was that the collection does not say anywhere that they are the remastered editions. She assured me after the PS5 updates the game these will in fact be the remastered versions, and they were. So instead of spending $30aud x3 I ended up spending $12.50aud.
I never knew how much I missed going into a game store and speaking to someone after so many years using steam and gog.
So this game is obviously no Uncharted 4. Ten years separate these games, and gaming has advanced so much in that time. I mean, HD TVs didn't become standard until 2009 and this game came out in 2007.
I do a lot of retro gaming, well retro for others... more like nostalgia gaming for me as I was alive when they were released! lol. So I am experienced with looking past things like graphic quality, controls fluidity and other problems older games have. It is unreasonable to compare this game to Uncharted 4. It simply is not in the same league. That is no fault of its own, it is just from a different era.
The game is Uncharted as I know it. The characters are the same. It is still very funny and has an absorbing “adventure” feeling as you travel about. It was also great seeing the origins of the various relationships I saw in game 4.
In all the important ways, this game is exactly what I wanted.
BUT... there are some issues. Major issues, and I am not talking about the clunkier controls, and aiming and stuff. This is to be expected in an older game. The problem I have is that it is oppressively combat heavy. What I loved about the 4th game was the excellent cinematic experience of being inside an adventure film. This game has that, kind of, but the real focus of this game is actually the combat sequences.
I wanted more story, but instead it was just more and more and more combat sequences. I found it kind of monotonous. The action just never took a break. By the time they made Uncharted 4 they had the pacing down. Rich story moments, platforming moments, puzzle moments and exploration moments. These all split up the combat into digestible chunks. In this game, though, you would get through a complex combat sequence and after walking a few feet be in another.
It was just too much for me.
I have been told by many that this is the weakest of the three, and I believe I understand why. While this is a great game and I had a lot of fun playing through it... I mean the story, presented with these utterly charming characters, is awesome and completely aligned with the vibe I experienced in Uncharted 4 was fun and engaging. I just feel that the game lacks an understanding of what it really is. When I think to Uncharted 4 this game feels like a prototype. I guarantee, I have not played it, but I would put money down, that Uncharted 2 is much more in tune with what Uncharted 4 is. As in leaning more into the cinematic experience.
You have to remember this is the 1st game of the series. I have played the 4th game that was made 10 years latter and the sharpening of the concept, the honing of it, from an action combat game into something greater is a clear line of progression.
I still think this is a great game, and it has a lot going for it, but it was a real slog towards the end. In fact, I took a 2 month break near the end before finishing it, as I just couldn't take one more combat sequence. I mean, once you hit that end game it is relentless, endless combat.
Fantastic game, for its time and a great game even now. It is a must for fans of the characters. For everyone else? I think this can be safely skipped, or played until your sick of it and then youtube the rest. I do not think I would recommend this to a new player. I'd say start with one of the others and then if you are really into the franchise, then play the 1st one. (Remember I have only played 1 and 4)