Evil Dead 5 : Rise Trailer Reaction
I hate this poster
Evil Dead 5 : Rise “Teaser” Trailer
This is a trailer for the trailer to Evil Dead 5... yes this is a thing now. Trailers for trailers. We 'orta leave this world behind.
Evil Dead 5 : Rises..... meh I am into this as I love the first 2 films so much. I also like the 3rd a lot, but in a different way. It really is in a separate class, so to speak, as it is so different to the Horror root of the franchise. I actually didn't even mind the modern 2013 remake. I mean, it was nothing special, but wasn't terrible. I enjoyed it. Though an Evil Dead film is not something I want to think is kinda cool. I want to be blown away with how awesome the film is.
I actually think the closest we have to a modern Evil Dead is the other Rami film Drag me to Hell though it is Re-Animator and Bride of the Re-Animator that sit alone under a dais next to the throne from which Evil Dead 2 looks down at all Horror Comedy as the undisputed King. It rules as the Now King after American Werewolf in London basically spawned the entire sub-genre.
I love this poster
Evil Dead 5 : Rise “Red Band” Trailer #1
I'm interested in the concept of this film, but I am worried about it as well. It will be cool to see Evil Dead in a new location. Basically, instead of a cabin in the woods, this is set in a high rise somewhere in the middle of LA. This could be neat, as long as it doesn't degenerate into some kind of zombie horde type thing.
The problem I have with this is that it is set in a city. So the fact that the setting is so densely populated will make the story hard to do and probably, also make it expensive as well. Meat Puppets possessed by demons screaming about swallowing souls and buckets of blood spewing out of elevators would be noticed in a city. So they need to build a believable story around this problem which explains why a swat team doesn't show up. This is why a cabin in the woods is such an obvious place for a story like this to be set.
That being said, I am very eager to see what's, what. This is Evil Dead, and I have high expectations. I “want” this to be great. It has an amazing pedigree, and I am sure some of my perceptions from the trailer will no doubt be predicted and handled by the filmmakers. I hope, at least.
One thing though... I HATE children in films. Fuck your god damn kids, right off. If I could make any film wish, I would ask for all scripts with kids in them where they are main characters, which are not films made for kids... just to never get made. Throw those scripts in the bin and restart the writing process. Fuck kids. Fuck 'em. Kids suck in movies and they suck extra hard in horror movies.... and yes.. there are a few exceptions to every rule.... but still. A single mother and her fucking sprogs? That does not really sound like a good base for an Evil Dead movie, to me.