
About Me

Hello, my name is hiki. I like experimenting something random with my laptop, sending postcard through Postcrossing, collecting stamps (used or new), listening music (any genre, but mostly I'm listening classic, jazz, techno, progressive house, and trance music), photography, and drawing. I will write my blog in Indonesian, and sometimes in English or Japanese. Since I'm not an English and Japanese speaker, please expect some grammatical errors or spelling errors from my blog posts.

Why I'm Here?

I decided to not depending on big SNS (Social Network Service) and deleted some of my accounts, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and decentralize myself. I tried as much as possible not giving my personal data into any services, and try to self-host it if I can do it. This is also my way to say to some of my friends that “hey, I am still alive, so don't worry.”

What I will Write in This Blog?

I'm not really that good at writing. What I'll do in this blog is just blabbering around. You may read some review about books, musics, places or photos I recently found, Haiku, my opinion or thoughts, and just a bit of fandom things I really into, like Manga, Anime, Idol, or Light Novel.

I think that's enough for introduction.

Thanks for dropping by and taking the time to read this. Take care and have a nice day!
