What is Nodejs development?
Node Js Development Company js brings event-driven programming to web servers, enabling the development of fast web servers in JavaScript. Developers can create scalable servers without using threading, by using a simplified model of event-driven programming that uses callbacks to signal the completion of a task. A Node. js developer works with Node, an open-source developer’s tool that focuses on server-side functionality for websites. As a Node. js developer, your duties include coding, debugging, and coordinating with programmers who focus on the front end. Node (or more formally Node. js) is an open-source, cross-platform runtime environment that allows developers to create all kinds of server-side tools and applications in JavaScript. The runtime is intended for use outside of a browser context (i.e. running directly on a computer or server OS). From a web server development perspective Node has several benefits:Great performance! Node was designed to optimize throughput and scalability in web applications and is a good solution for many common web-development problems (e.g. real-time web applications).Code is written in “plain old JavaScript”, which means that less time is spent dealing with “context shift” between languages when you’re writing both client-side and server-side code.JavaScript is a relatively new programming language and benefits from improvements in language design when compared to other traditional web-server languages (e.g. Python, PHP, etc.) Many other new and popular languages compile/convert into JavaScript so you can also use TypeScript, Coffee Script, Clojure Script, Scala, Live Script, etc.The node package manager (NPM) provides access to hundreds of thousands of reusable packages. It also has best-in-class dependency resolution and can also be used to automate most of the build tool chain.
Node.js is portable. It is available on Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, WebOS, and Non Stop OS. Furthermore, it is well-supported by many web-hosting providers, that often provide specific infrastructure and documentation for hosting Node sites.It has a very active third-party ecosystem and developer community, with lots of people who are willing to help. You can use Node.js to create a simple web server using the Node HTTP package.
React (also known as React.js or ReactJS) is a free and open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces or UI components. It is maintained by Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies. React can be used as a base in the development of single-page or mobile applications. A ReactJs Developer implement UI components for JavaScript-based web applications and mobile applications with the use of open-source library infrastructure. ReactJS developers are front-end developers who build modern-day UI components to improvise application performance.
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