What Is Tissue Death Under the Nail (Vævsdød Under Neglen)?
Vævsdød under neglen, or tissue death under the nail, is a severe condition often caused by trauma or severe infections. The affected tissue under the nail starts to die, leading to pain, discoloration, and in some cases, nail loss. Recognizing the symptoms early and seeking prompt treatment is critical to prevent complications.
Symptoms of Tissue Death Under the Nail – Discoloration: The nail may appear black or dark brown. – Pain: Often accompanied by pressure under the nail. – Nail detachment: In severe cases, the nail may lift or fall off.
Treatment Options – Medical intervention: A foot specialist may remove the damaged nail or provide antibiotics to treat infections. – Keep the area clean: Prevent further damage by keeping the affected nail dry and clean. – Pain relief: Over-the-counter medications can help manage discomfort.
For more information, including prevention tips, check out Astawanti's detailed article on tissue death under the nail.