Understanding Pitted Keratolysis – A Common Foot Condition

Pitted keratolysis is a bacterial skin infection that affects the soles of the feet. It often presents as small, crater-like pits in the skin and can cause foul-smelling feet. This condition is common among people who wear tight shoes for long periods or experience excessive sweating.

Symptoms of Pitted KeratolysisSmall pits or craters: Visible on the soles of the feet. – Odor: A strong, unpleasant smell due to bacterial activity. – Itching and discomfort: The infection may cause irritation.

How to Treat Pitted KeratolysisKeep feet dry: Proper hygiene and moisture management are key. – Topical antibiotics: These can help eliminate the bacteria causing the infection. – Footwear: Opt for breathable shoes to reduce sweating.

For more detailed guidance, visit Astawanti's page on pitted keratolysis.