Australian Rules Football

The duration of the AussieRules match is 80 minutes (4 periods of 20 minutes each). Only the time spent on the game is taken into account. If there are delays, the stopwatch stops. It should be noted that stops happen extremely rarely, since even a player's injury is not considered a reason to stop playing actions.

The number of players on one team is 18. They are divided into backs, halfbacks, central players, forwards, half-forwards and followers. It is on the followers that the greatest burden falls on running after the ball.

The ball for Australian football is very similar to rugby, it weighs about 650 grams.

The referee throws the ball into the ground, after which the ball bounces and is considered entered into the game. This rule element connects AussieRules with basketball.

The gates are located at the ends of the field. There is a 50-meter zone near the goal, in which an attack on a player who has received the ball cleanly is not allowed.

In the center of the field there is a quadrilateral with a circle inscribed in it. Teams are built along the edges of the quadrilateral, and a ball is thrown in the circle.

The playing field has the shape of an elongated oval with a length of 140-180 meters and a width of 110-150 meters. Each team has two gates (four vertical masts), arranged according to the matryoshka principle – small gates in large ones. Hitting the big gate earns the team one point, and hitting the small gate will give six points. Only the ball that flew into a large or small goal from a kick is counted. At the same time, if an athlete catches a ball that has flown at least 15 meters, then he can put it back into the game with his foot without interference from opponents. You can run with the ball in your hands, but no more than 10 steps. After the run, the ball must either be given away or hit the ground to get the right to another ten-meter run.

Ball passes are allowed with both feet and hands. When the ball leaves the field, the side referee enters it back into the game, standing behind the sideline with his back to the field and throwing the ball over his head.

The referee team consists of the main and two side referees.


At the beginning of each period (quarter) and after each goal, the referee on the field puts the ball into play in the center circle with a blow to the ground. In the central square of the field, only a center, a "rover" (a free player) and two so-called "followers" from each team can be located. The match consists of four periods (quarters) of 20 minutes, which are usually extended to compensate for breaks in the game (injuries of players, substitutions, etc.). Two teams of 18 players try to score a ball in the opponents ' goal. The team with the most points wins. It is not allowed to throw the ball to a player of his team. The ball is passed by a kick or a fist. The player is allowed to drive the ball, hitting it on the ground every 15 m. When a violation is committed against a player, he gets the right to a free kick from the place where the violation occurred. The player with the ball can be grabbed by any part of the body between the shoulders and knees or stopped. It is allowed to pass the ball at any time. A player within a radius of 5 m from the ball can be pushed or stopped; grabbing is prohibited. The player who owns the ball is allowed to defend himself from the attacker by pushing him away with his free hand.


If the ball from the kick passes between the two outer posts without touching the other player, the attacking team receives 6 points. The team gets 1 point if the ball passes directly between the inside and outside post ("behind"), if it hits the post, passes behind the goal line or the back line.


The team consists of 18 players placed on the field by 5 lines, and 4 reserve players. Each player occupies a certain strategic position, but can freely move around the entire field. The "Rover" and two followers are next to the ball at each stage of the game.