U.S.A. K-12 Public Schools Are Worthless
I am probably going to look back on this title of this post and cringe for childishly making sensational blanket generalizations, but this is how I feel right now.
The context should really be public schools in Massachusetts at most, but I think the true free thinkers will understand what I am trying to get at here.
The Impetus
I recently saw this Twitter thread in my RSS feed on Newsboat.
The thread has been collected into one place:
Q asked at Back to School Virtual Meeting in my district just now: “Do we have to wait for a child to die before remote learning is offered?” A: “*long pause* We don't have another option. I can't make any promises. We're going to do our best.”
SHAME @MASchoolsK12 @MassGovernor — @shaleentitle on 11:32 PM · Aug 24, 2021
(*when the question was read aloud verbally by officials, they eliminated that sentence and just asked “What if we're uncomfortable sending our unvaccinated children to school?”, but this ^ was the actual question asked in the chat followed by a long chorus of parents agreeing) — @shaleentitle on 11:42 PM · Aug 24, 2021
School officials also shared that they asked to offer students a virtual option and were told by @MASchoolsK12 that they would have had to apply by June 11 and there are no exceptions or late applications. How could they possibly have seen current circumstances coming by June 11? — @shaleentitle on 11:46 PM · Aug 24, 2021
They also shared that — like many other districts — they are working on a Plan B and Plan C. They know what's coming. They're just not allowed to do much to prevent it. — @shaleentitle on 11:46 PM · Aug 24, 2021
There is no social distancing whatsoever in schools this year, even during lunch. Who made these rules and how do they still have a job? — @shaleentitle on 11:49 PM · Aug 24, 2021
Many of us parents asked the superintendent in the chat how we could be supportive with respect to the state. She was very careful and gracious and said she can't advise us in any way or tell us what to do but “you have a lot of energy, the power, and a voice.” I heard her. — @shaleentitle on 11:56 PM · Aug 24, 2021
Some Thoughts
My flow of thoughts will be severely out of order.
However, regardless of this fact, let us just go in order of the tweets.
Number 1
Is it not obvious that the institution of public schools (let alone institutionalized schools and institutionalized education) does not care about you?
As Darlene says in S3E2:
Get woke already, dude!
Number 2
Why would you trust the architects of MCAS to properly address your questions, let alone read your questions without equivocations or severely distorting your words and statements with intentionally maximal noise to protect the inherently injust power structure of institutional K-12 schools?
Have these people never read the chapter on K-12 schools in Edward Snowden's memoir, Permanent Record?
The K-12 school is the first illegitimate power structure one is forced into participating in so that one will accept the atrocities of all subsequent illegitimate power structures in life (such as work, the intelligence community, statewide and nationwide politics, and many more).
Jeez... it is no wonder why these people almost deserve to be screwed over by the Massachusetts DOE!
It is not like anyone is intelligent enough in the MA DOE or BESE to understand Snowden's big-brained philosophy.
Number 3
Of course, the DOE would create a retroactively implemented Catch-22 or Alderson condition on the fly.
If I looked hard enough, then I would be pleased to learn if this form did not exist on June 11, 2021!
This brings me to the next one...
Number 4
Of course there is no prevention of COVID-19 for school children — the Trump administration clearly dismantled the very agency (or something like that) which could have significantly prevented (or, at least slowed down) the spread of COVID-19 in early 2020.
What makes you think public K-12 schools would even lift a finger to prepare for the Delta variant in August 2021?
Please, I am pretty sure this is what Reagan meant by “trickle down economics”... though corruption trickles down from the top down in this case, not money.
Number 5
On one rational and held back hand, I am not sure why these people in the BESE and DOE have their jobs if the citizens allow these idiots to run amok while still being on salaried jobs in the first place. Either vote with your feet, as ancient Chinese civilizations did, or get them voted out of their positions, Louis Rossmann styled comeuppance.
On the other more philosophically disturbed hand, I hope these examples of real world events are showing you that you should probably abandon institutionalized society due to overbearingly sterilizing socialization — full on Kaczynski.
Even the more diluted version of this can be seen in this news article on a Serbian recluse getting the COVID-19 vaccine.
In the long-run, either abandon institutionalized and socializing (leftist) excuse of a “society”, or straight up destroy are the thoughts I have... the ire this sort of stuff brings to my mind reminds me that I have a very deep compassion or concern deficit (in the conventional sense).
Number 6
A good idea, but only if you want to put up with the sheer outright stupidities and injustices of institutionalized society.
However, it is a good idea, but good ideas only get you so far...
Maybe the point Greta Thunberg is behind is correct, but should be taken to even a higher level of necessary extremity: why even go to school in the first place?
Of course, then this brings the question of what to do with all of this time... but that to be addressed in another more appropriate time and place — much like the answer to the question, “If I should not use Windows or MacOS, then what do I use?”