NOT Financial Advice from Snowden

So, it's time for “not financial advice” again — as Louis Rossmann calls the time when he talks about investing in stocks.

However, it's Edward Snowden vs. the Cryptocoin Bois this time.

(My term comes from the libertarian tech bros shilling whatever cryptocurrency coin is filling their vacant heads; and from the Urban Dictionary term “fuckboy” who probably only cares about “”“limited”“” edition drops of streetwear along with other trash fashion items almost identical to Supreme.)

Anyways, Snowden had to give legit not financial advice” on cryptocoin scammers denouncing Bitcoin for all the wrong reasons while hawking these no name crapcoins in an obvious pump and dump scheme they obviously control with clear conflicts of interest.

There's a lot of sociology that could be stated here on the state of cryptocoins (i.e., it's bad if you ask me as a “non-professional”), but don't let hype from cranks putting themselves in puppet identities enveloped in a large yet finite Matryoshka doll setup to take advantage of you!