Fingerprint Unlocking

Naomi Brockwell made a new video about fingerprint unlocking.

Naomi Brockwell is decent and I pay attention whenever her latest video isn't cryptocurrency related (because I am a stupid primate and can't get into cryptocurrency).

I mean, it's good that the cryptocurrency nerds (I've increased my nuance now since I've now realized many of the understandably excited cryptocurrency fans aren't all crytocurrency coin hypebeast techbros/fuckbois) are much more receptive to the general intersection of privacy, security, and anonymity than the general public — probably due to their collective hatred for the SEC of the U.S. — so, I can't complain too much in the fight for actual privacy and security.

I like Brockwell because she basically influenced me to make the move to eventually stop using WiFi on all of my devices — yes, even on my GrapheneOS and LineageOS devices. You can't use the hack that Mr. Robot used in the deleted scene of S3E7 in Mr. Robot to find Irving's car dealership: by visually inspecting the list of known WiFi networks on Angela's unlocked Dark Army Android phone, seeing only 1 unique network name, and finding where the unique WiFi network is in NYC with WiGLE and Google Maps.

There are actually only a few small moments in my life at home in which I actually need to use WiFi — probably because I'm doing a low-bandwith task that is using up all of the physical ports of my laptop, making Ethernet usage impossible, and using a USB hub isn't highly desirable for a very quick task.

(Additionally, there may be additional health benefits from reducing cell phone radio and WiFi radio radiation.)

