Being genuinely triggered by Privacy Guides (not a joke this time)

Yes, I too am undergoing virgin millennial emasculation due to Kacynskian leftist socialization.

What was the cause?

This GitHub discussion under Privacy Guides, among too many other things to say because there are so many things wrong with Privacy Guides and so little time to properly address anything about Privacy Guides.

I'm about to rip on Privacy Guides and everyone remotely related to them in my future posts... at some point.

I'm not really writing anything close to the coherence, rigidity, and rigor of that of Voltaire or any Enlightenment thinker — but the Privacy Guides people aren't even worthy of such a polished criticism.

I'll be writing in a literal American cartoon anthology method, but at least I'll try my best to write up the set up for each post, so that it is contained.

Still, I can't guarantee any sort of continuity or “sufficient” smoothness in my writing.

So, if it feels like I suddenly snapped at Privacy Guides, then you're probably correct. Something has been happening, and I am only showing you the tip of the iceberg from 50 miles away.

Trust me, it isn't safe to get closer by any meaningful amount of distance.

Let's begin, shall we?

Tommy Tran can't count:

There's a word for it – “privacy theatre”.

I count 2 words. (Another one for the “Vietnamese can't even make a bad second copy of a first copy,” especially when the first copy is from the Chinese Communist Party.)

I can't believe that an IT professional certified to be a Red Had Certified System Administrator can't reliably count to 2 — which is the number base of current classical computers!

But you're being a grammar Nazi!

Ok, I will state that there's more to the parent post than just this statement.

However, more “minor” slip ups makes this entire group look like a bunch of children instead of professional people that could actually be hired for real world consultation.

I don't plan on doing a comprehensive list of every wrong doing — like I'm the totalitarian Medieval Catholic Church recording every sin you, the reader, has ever committed. But I'll note any that come to mind, just looking at this GitHub discussion thread.

Incidentally, I have easily corrected many typos (formatting and grammatical) and incorrect stylizations of many FOSS project names (some of them very well known and long standing — what an insult!).

Freddy is part of the Privacy Guides team and is actually illiterate! He states in post:

though I no nothing about Postmill

Writing “no” (as in, “I refuse”) instead of “know” (as in, “I am learning”). As he is an Anglo-Saxon Caucasian, I find this extremely insulting that “some white guy” can be half-illiterate yet have life easy. Meanwhile, the people of color literally need to have a grammatical correctness rate of at least 95% or higher under a quick glance from verbal everyday speech (so, not even counting the more arcane SAT rules on grammar, such as: “none of these is valid” instead of “none of these are valid”, or “I played a ukelele” instead of “I played an ukelele”) in order to be considered for an unpaid internship.

His blog post on April 4, 2022 also failed to properly in-line cite the source where Tim Wu's quote came from upon initial release (but you won't find that now, unless you know your way around its corresponding GitHub location pretty well via familiarity or darn good intuition if going into the repo blind).

An attempt at a (fake) solution

I will only check if pages have been “still” for at least 1-2 days and have no pending pull requests.

I will work alone and not look too far into the GH Discussions pages where some of the GrapheneOS Matrix room Charlatans sometimes frequent. Lastly, I will not read too many of Tommy Tran's or Daniel Gray's posts. Gray's posts are actually fine and are much more sensible to a non-technical audience. Tran's posts are occasionally completely unhinged (or at least not treyf for me) and not proper for the audience he falsely believes he works for.

But honestly, the GH Discussion thread that caused me to write all of this in the first place made me angry because people who are much less qualified than my own self-taught background are literally social engineering their way to legitimizing their proselytizing demagogue MO bullcrapping and winging everything are managing to rake in bank.

Random tack-on (written later on)

The Privacy Guides people constantly rename &/or move absolute locations of files on GitHub so that entire are heuristically “erased” from the list of contributors on each corresponding GitHub page for nearly all files.

This prevents “laypeople” from going very far into the current list of contributors and the commit history to see their very embarrassingly infantile mistakes.

Of course, any legitimate IT person can go into the project's GitHub contributors and see what was each GitHub user's commit history was like.

I'm not sure if I'm interpreting everything wrong here, but regardless even if this is totally not what the Privacy Guide team has ever intended, this sort of maneuver (mostly initiated by Jonah Argon) strikes me as disingenuous.

Don't keep this behavior up, just because you don't have enough money to pay for “premium” Twitter to edit your tweets, but you can “pseudo” do this for free, as in free w.r.t. cost, on GitHub.

Ironically, Privacy Guides is not too different from Facebook's former motto of “move fast and break things” in philosophy, despite what the below high school literate Freddy wrote in his blog post on April 4, 2022.

The people behind Privacy Guides have failed to heed the warning from Friedrich Nietzsche:

Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.

(Where is that quote from? I really need to get on reading more primary sources and less social media.)

(The way Privacy Guides treats GitHub is centralized advertising based social media. The good thing about the Fediverse is that at least the centralization and built-in first party advertising platforms are removed. The inherent criticisms of the Fediverse that your privacy can still be violated by oversharing your life details is orthogonal to the issue of technical privacy and security, as it falls into either being isomorphically equivalent to “well, you can also overshare on an old school pre-2010 Blogger blog” or a psycho-social issue regarding things like FOMO, social anxiety, and so on. People who hate the Fediverse, like Luke Smith, are getting at this latter orthogonal point, not the former. Stay with the most well-known flagship instance or host your own Fediverse “island” on a VPS.)

The Privacy Guides people don't even know that they've all been subsumed by their respective Jungian shadows.

Privacy Guides are already villains, but only they don't know it yet.


I feel like a unloyal traitor with impostor syndrome, writing this. However, I need to speak my truth, or else my own Jungian shadow will consume me.

Anyways, let's end on something positive: can we talk about how cute Marta Belcher is as a woman of size in her February 2022 interview with Snowden during Camp Ethereal 2022?

(I don't know — is it ok to talk about how cute a public figure is? I think so. At least it's not like how other “normal people” explicitly having sexual fantasies of having sex with celebrities. Anyways, no woman looking like the Kardashians or Kylie Jenner is going to walk into a cryptocurrency conference without trying to scam everyone with a scummy pump and dump NFT exit scam. Anyways, all-American heterosexual white women oogling over stars like Harry Styles and Jack Harlow have said more overtly sexualizing statements on Twitter than that, not that this is going to be any meaningful standard measure of my morals.)

At least stanning plus size women is a healthier subject to stan for, instead of GrapheneOS like the GrapheneOS Matrix room Charlatans.

(Insert some vague & meta Kingdom Hearts trailer name here) Traceback

There — I did it. Are you happy? Because I'm literally going to stop writing on this blog (and in general) if I have to think about stupid and asinine the people in FOSS are, let alone the state of FOSS right now.

Also full stop: you ain't going to be doing this forever if you are actually achieving your dreams...