What is a DDoS attack

Denial of service is literally translated as “denial of service”. System administrators use the abbreviation DoS. It happens that users send a large number of requests to an Internet resource that it does not have time to process, and the incoming information is overloaded. If you look at it from a technical point of view, each site is hosted on a server. It, in turn, can belong to the hosting provider or the site owner. The Internet resource has its own limitations on the amount of memory for storing incoming and posted information on it. The limits depend on the amount of traffic and the capacity of the hard disk. Attackers can disable even the strongest and most powerful servers. How do they manage to get such a high level of traffic?

A large flow of requests from outside leads to a slowdown in the site, and then to its stop (as an option-fighting with competitors, and you can even purchase a ddos attack, for example here https://ddos.services/ ). When hosting a site on the same hosting, third-party resources are also affected, which also store their data on the same hard drive. For a narrow-band channel, only a couple of hundred requests become a threat, and if we are talking about high-frequency requests, this figure increases by hundreds of thousands. Similar situations often occur on the Internet. For example, it can be news videos or posts posted on the official website of Zvezda or a TV channel. A DoS attack is a peaceful phenomenon and has nothing to do with illegal actions.

This can also be used when hiring a DDOS attack against competitors or enemies.